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I offer 3 Flemish strings, a Force 10 string, a 40 Strand string and an Astroflight string. There really is very little difference between strings no matter what material is used. One material is not outstandingly different from any other. Price is $50 USD for all strings and includes shipping with tracking to the US and Canada.
Payment is by Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account, you can use a debit card or credit card if you follow the instructions from the Paypal request that I will send you.
The Force 10 string is easily the most practical string. It stops creeping in 15/20 shots and is most stable string afterwards. It is marginally the fastest string but it is also barely more noisy that the other strings I make. This is the single most popular string and it is the material I use for myself.
The 40 strand string takes 50/60 shots to stop creeping and is very stable afterwards. It shows the least amount of noise of all 3 strings that I make. This string shows the least amount of noise but the difference is marginal at best.
The Astroflight sits right between the other 2 strings I make in all characteristics.
Below are some colour combinations to consider.
All products below are only sold into Canada so prices are CDN. If you are in the US, please contact Danny Miller at 740 483 2312.
Stringing aid
Stringing aid $30 plus postage. This is much more robust than the OE stringing aid and has 4 holes that the cord runs through for less slippage. It is made out of 3/4” HMWPE.
Arrow puller.
There is no puller better than this one $40.00 plus postage. I have pulled out arrows that had almost all the fletchings buried in a foam target! They are amazing! They are also useful for turning off Lumenoks.
Black Eagle Arrows.
These are complete 0.001” Executioner arrows built by Black Eagle Arrow. I have them in 20”. They weight approx 321 gr. If you are hunting, these are all you need. At no added cost, I will add a 30 gr or 50 gr additional weight to the backside of the front brass insert. $55 per half dozen plus $25 postage.
Black Eagle Arrow shafts and brass front inserts. Executioner 0.001” shafts $100.00 per dozen. Add $25.00 to cut, square and mark the spine.
Brass inserts 80, 92 and 110 gr $20 per dozen.
Additional weights to add to the backside of a brass front insert 30 gr or 50 gr $1.20 each. These are perfect to raise your FOC.
Bohning Blazers $8.00 per 36.
Silent Knights $15.00 per 36.
Aerovane 2 and Aerovane 3 $25.00 per 36.
Tiger white Bohning TrueFletch $3.00 each. Truefletch are a vane that is slipped over the shaft and heated in hot water. They work well and there is no need for a fletching tool, glue etc.
Weighted Flat Rear Nocks.
Flat rear nocks in white, black, flo yellow and flo orange. These simulate the weight of a Lumenok. They eliminate the need turn the nocks off and wear out the battery. $5.00 per six plus shipping. Shipping to the US is $10.00 with a tracking number. Because it is far more to ship within Canada we can talk about options.
Angel Majesty Serving 0.036”
One jig spool $40.00 plus shipping. This comes with an extra/spare spool. The purpose of the spare spool is so that half of the spool of serving can be spooled onto a second spool so that adequate tension can be applied. With full spools it is almost impossible to achieve the needed tension.